HUSKIES.CZ, Jana Henychová, Horní Maxov 176, Josefův Důl, 468 44, CZ, tel.: +420 724 045 565, e-mail:


There came an idea. It´s time for challenge and big deeds.

I decided that next year I´ll finally take a part in real big dog-sledding competition. This kind of competition only takes place in Alaska or in Scandinavia. Alaska is to fahr away, so the next place left is Scandinavia. I have been watching the competitors racing at 500km and 1000km trails in the Norweigan competition Finnmarkslopet ( . on internet for many years and this year I got an idea. Why aren´t I taking a part in it? It can´t be that unreachable!!

So I´ve decided that I´d like to start at 500km trail in Norweigan Alta on 10th March 2008. My goal will be to finish the race. To win it – it will have to be some other time. :-)

The team ready to start

At this moment it means to start preparing everything: veterinary blood tests for the entry to Norway, some sponsors, equipment and all neccessary material and mainly to train the dogs and myself for the competition. I´m afraid it´ll be really a drudgery.

I´m sure I can´t win in Norway but it´s a nice feeling to have and live for such a target. Then I´ll know that I´m doing something meaningful. So for the end I remembered an inspired and heartful saying:

„The reason of the journey is not its end but the journey itself“

Or something like that…

Future statement:

Starting fee 3.500 NOK
Travel expense 7000 km+ fairy
Vaccination against rabies and neutralising antibody titration 15 dogs @ 1290,-
Echinococcus treatment 75 x Drontal Plus for 10kg

What alse I need:

Dry food for dogs  
Maps to cover the whole race trail  
Extreme winter sleeping bag – minimum 2500 grams  
Sleeping mat  
Extreme survival bag (windproof). This must weigh at least 1200 grams.  
Extreme winter clothing (with reflective material that is well visible in the dark)  
Extreme winter clothing- Underclothes  
Light stick/signal flare (to be carried in pocket on person)  
Functional water cooker  
Head torch and batteries  
The Sled  
The sled Runner plastic  
Food drop bags  


2005 Created by Jana Henychová